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Planning and Preparation


Productivity, after initial planning and during the development phase, is about selecting the right tools for the right jobs and making sure that they are used effectively

Preparation and planning are key to success in most things. Time invested in planning and re planning your software product is often time well spent. The same rules and similar problems, that apply to building, apply to software development. .


“Planning is often overlooked, yet critical. Successful outcomes are built on solid preparation and foundations – a vision, with a roadmap and requirements.”

Preparation is everything and time spent planning, defining scope, selecting the right tech. and making sure that you have clearly defined and agreed requirements will help avoid misunderstandings, development problems and reduce costs. Of course, not everything should or can be defined upfront – for all but the most simple of products, plans should be accepted as flexible guides to a future that may change. A product rather than project mindset makes this more likely


Wireframes allow you to share your initial view of your future product at relatively lower cost than development. Wireframes also have a critical role in easily communicating your ideas to the development team - your most valuable partner. Nurture that relationship by providing a clear set of requirements supported by this blueprint. However, make sure that your development team is fully aligned with your evolving vision, ideally by sharing knowledge of ,and using, a common agile framework..


Wireframes are the initial "blueprints" of your software product, a starting point, subject to change.”

Unclear requirements create obvious costs but new requirements , communicated late, create avoidable costs . Use an agile framework such as scrum - works in short development cycles, sharing working output at regular intervals. Ajust course to make sure your product is always in tune with your prioritized business needs. Start with an initial backlog of work - an initial plan – providing enough direction to get started . You determine the product backlog and priorities and your team should demo the finished work to you at regular intervals.


This is your opportunity to communicate your vision and change course. Your job is to proactively gather product feedback and prioritize any changes by updating the product backlog and communicating required amendments to the team. Focus on your product to achieve the required return on investment..



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